Kitchen Measuring Guide


Kitchen Dimensions

Kitchen Shape & Dimensions

  1. Begin in any corner of the room with a tape measure and measure to an adjacent wall.
  2. Important Notes: Always measure in inches only. Use gridlines on the 2nd page to draw your kitchen layout and record measurements.

Measure Windows & Doors

    1. Window Measurements
    Window Measurements
    2. Door Measurements
    Door Measurements

Wall Openings

Measure the distance from the wall corner to the outside edge of the opening and mark it on the drawing. Measure and record the length of the opening. Repeat this process for all openings. (Example 1, Floor Plan)


Utility Supply Lines

Draw a side view plan of each wall. Record the distance from the floor to the ceiling. If you have soffits, include the measurements on the layout. Use the symbols shown below to mark water lines, drain lines, and gas lines. (Example 2, Elevation)

Example 1
Example 2 Example 3
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